How to Cross-Stitch

Cross-stitching on plastic canvas is a similar technique as embroidered cross-stitching. Cross-stitches are decorative stitches that are used to add dimension, texture and detail to plastic canvas designs.

  1. Thread your tapestry needle with yarn or embroidery floss.
  2. Bring your needle up at (1) and go back down in opposite diagonal at (2). This forms a half cross-stitch.
  3. Complete the stitch by bringing the needle up through (3) and take it back down through the opposite diagonal hole (4).
  4. To work a row of cross-stitches, you can repeat steps 1-3 above to work individual stitches, or you can work a row of continental stitches in one direction, then work back across them in the opposite direction.
How to Cross Stitch 1How to Cross Stitch 1
How to Cross Stitch 2How to Cross Stitch 2

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