Jogless Stripes
When working stripes of color in the round, a jog is formed at the point where the start and end of the rounds meet when you change colors. This is because you are working in a spiral and each new round is slightly offset from the previous. You can minimize this jog a couple of ways.
One way is to knit the entire first round with the new color, stopping at the beginning-of-round stitch marker. Slip the first stitch of the second round of the new color purlwise, and then continue knitting around.

Another method is to change color as normal and knit one round. Before you begin knitting the second round, lift the right leg of the stitch one row below the first stitch of the new round (it should be in the old color) onto your left-hand knitting needle. Next knit the loop you just lifted onto your left-hand knitting needle together with the actual first stitch.