Fringe is a decorative border consisting of short bits of yarn or twisted threads. There are several ways to make and apply fringe. Below are some of the different types of fringe that you can add to your next yarn craft.
Cut a piece of cardboard half as long as the strands need to be plus 1/2 inch for trimming. Wind yarn loosely and evenly around cardboard. When the cardboard is filled, cut the yarn across one end. Do this several times, then begin adding the fringe to your piece. Wind additional strands as necessary.
Many patterns will tell you exactly how long to cut your pieces of fringe. You do not always need a piece of cardboard in order to make fringe, but a tape measure is handy.
Single Knot Fringe
Hold the specified number of strands for one knot together, and fold them in half. Hold the project to be fringed with the right side facing you. Use a crochet hook to draw the folded end through the space or stitch indicated from the right side to the wrong side. Pull the loose ends through the folded section. Draw the knot up firmly. Space the knots as indicated in the pattern instructions.
Double Knot Fringe
Begin by working single knot fringe completely across one end of the piece. With the right side facing you and working from left to right, take half the strands of one knot and half the strands of the knot next to it and knot them together.
Triple Knot Fringe
Work double knot fringe across. On the right side, work from left to right to tie a third row of knots as you did for the double knot fringe.
Spaghetti Fringe
Following the single knot fringe instructions, tie each knot with just one strand of yarn.