Duplicate Stitch (abbreviated duplicate st)

Duplicate stitches mimic knit stitches but are created with yarn and a tapestry needle. They can be used to weave in ends on the wrong side of the work. They can also be used to add colorwork to a finished piece by working a design in a different color of yarn over the top of the existing stitches.

With a tapestry needle, bring the yarn from the back to the front of the fabric at the base of the stitch that is to be duplicated. Insert the tapestry needle from right to left behind both sides of the stitch above the one being duplicated. Complete the stitch by inserting the needle into the point from which the yarn first came through and pull it back to the wrong side.

Repeat as necessary to work additional duplicate stitches in desired locations.

Duplicate StitchDuplicate Stitch

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