Twisted Knit Stitch or Knit 1 Through the Back Loop (abbreviated k1-tbl)

Twisted stitches are worked through the back loop (or leg of the stitch) and create a stitch that is, as the name implies, slightly twisted. This gives it a bit more stitch definition. Generally, twisted knit stitches are used in rib, cable or textured patterns to make them pop. Working in the back loop also produces a tighter stitch. It can be helpful to use in places where your stitching is loose. For instance, the stitch right after a cable can sometimes be loose. Try working it through the back loop to tighten up that area on your fabric.

Some Europeans are taught to knit all of their stitches through the back loop. There is nothing wrong with it and doesn’t produce a strange fabric when all stitches are worked in that manner.

Knit stitches have two “legs.” The front leg, or right leg, is the portion of the loop closest to you on your knitting needle. The back leg, or left leg, is the one farther from you. To work the twisted knit stitch, insert the right-hand knitting needle through the back leg of the next stitch on the left-hand needle, then complete as a knit stitch.

Twisted Knit StitchTwisted Knit Stitch

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