How to Backstitch

Backstitches are used to outline and define details, adding precision and depth to the design. When stitching on Aida, backstitches are typically worked over one square, while on linen or evenweave fabric, they are usually worked over two threads. Backstitches can be worked vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Maintain consistent stitch length and avoid piercing or splitting the threads of existing stitches, as this can affect the overall appearance.

Backstitch (Aida)

Backstitch (Aida)Backstitch (Aida)
Backstitch (Photo)Backstitch (Photo)

Backstitch (Over 2)

Backstitch (Over 2)Backstitch (Over 2)

To backstitch over two threads, work from right to left, bringing needle up through the back of the fabric at (1), crossing over two threads and going back down through the fabric at (2), up at (3) and down at (4), up at (5) and down at (6), up at (7) and down at (8), and so on.


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