Love Knot or Solomon's Knot Stitch (abbreviated lk or SK)

Love knots are a classic, lacy crochet stitches. The love knot originated as far back as the 19th century. It features large, loose pulled loops or chains. It has had many names over the years, including Solomon’s knot, hail stone (hailstone), knot stitch and (true) lovers knot.

Note: Crochet does not have standardized naming conventions for special stitches. Designers may call stitches by whatever name they prefer. For this reason, it is difficult to search online for how a particular special stitch is created. Another reason it is hard to find the “correct” way to work a particular special stitch is because each designer might work a special stitch in their own unique way. Be sure to follow the directions stated in your pattern for how to work the stitch.

Love Knot or Solomon’s Knot (abbreviated lk or SK—though Solomon’s knot is not often abbreviated as it can look too similar to the skip abbreviation {sk})

Pull up a long loop on the hook that measures1/2 inch, yarn over, pull through the loop, insert the hook in the back strand of the long loop, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through both loops.

In other words:  Pull up a long loop on the hook that measures 1/2 inch, yarn over, pull through the loop, single crochet in the back strand of the long loop.

Love Knot or Solomon's KnotLove Knot or Solomon's Knot

Double Love Knot or Double Solomon's Knot (abbreviated dlk or dsk)

With a double love knot, you are creating two love knots to make an extra-long chain of stitches.

Pull up a loop to measure 1/2 inch, yarn over, pull through the loop, single crochet in the back strand of the long loop, pull up a long loop to measure 1/2 inch, yarn over, pull through the loop, single crochet in the back strand of the long loop.

Double Love Knot or Double Solomon's KnotDouble Love Knot or Double Solomon's Knot

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