How to Increase (abbreviated inc)

Increases are used to shape crochet pieces. Increases can widen a piece of fabric where needed. They are also incorporated into special stitches when you need to work more than one stitch in the same location. You can work increases using any basic crochet stitch or with special stitches. You can also increase by as many stitches at a time as you need to. An increase isn’t limited to making only one extra stitch at a time.

Below are explanations of increasing with each basic stitch.

Single Crochet Increase (abbreviated sc inc)

Note: Make a practice sample by chaining 15 stitches loosely and working four rows of single crochet with 14 stitches in each row. Do not fasten off at the end of the last row. Use this sample swatch to practice the following method of increasing stitches.
To increase by one stitch in single crochet, simply work two stitches in one stitch. To increase by two stitches in single crochet, work three stitches in one stitch. You can increase by any number of stitches in a similar manner.

For example, if you are working in single crochet and you need to increase by one stitch, you would work one single crochet in the next stitch, then you would work another single crochet in that same stitch.

For practice: On your sample swatch, turn your work and chain one. Single crochet in the first two stitches; increase in the next stitch by working two single crochet stitches in the same stitch.

How to Single Crochet IncreaseHow to Single Crochet Increase

Half Double Crochet Increase (abbreviated inc or hdc inc)

To increase by one stitch in half double crochet, simply work two stitches in one stitch. To increase by two stitches in half double crochet, work three stitches in one stitch. You can increase by any number of stitches in a similar manner.

How to Half Double Crochet IncreaseHow to Half Double Crochet Increase

Double Crochet Increase (abbreviated dc inc)

To increase by one stitch in double crochet, simply work two stitches in one stitch. To increase by two stitches in double crochet, work three stitches in one stitch. You can increase by any number of stitches in a similar manner.

How to Double Crochet IncreaseHow to Double Crochet Increase

Treble Crochet Increase (abbreviated tr inc)

To increase by one stitch in treble crochet, simply work two stitches in one stitch. To increase by two stitches in treble crochet, work three stitches in one stitch. You can increase by any number of stitches in a similar manner.


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