Starting to Stitch Your Project

Thread your needle with about 18 inches (45.7 cm) of yarn. Do not tie a knot in the end. Bring your needle up through the canvas from the back, leaving a 1- to 2-inch tail on the back side of the canvas. As you begin to stitch, work over this piece of yarn. If you are beginning with continental stitches, leave a 1-inch (2.5 cm) tail on the back of the canvas, but if you are working longer stitches, leave a longer length.

As you stitch, maintain an even tension on the yarn. Loose stitches will look uneven, and tight stitches will let the plastic canvas show through. If your yarn twists as you work, let your needle and yarn hang loose and untwist.

Do not carry the yarn across the back from one section of a color to the next. Carrying yarn across the back can cause the piece to bow or colors to show through to the front.

When you finish a section of stitching or finish a length of yarn, weave the yarn end through the back side of your last few stitches, then trim.

Work decorative embroidery stitches over plastic canvas background stitches after the canvas piece is filled in.


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