Selecting Supplies

Choosing the right supplies will ensure your stitching experience is enjoyable from start to finish!

Plastic Canvas

There are several types of plastic canvas. Regular plastic canvas, soft and pliable plastic canvas, and stiff plastic canvas. Most projects can be stitched on regular plastic canvas. For projects that require a great deal of shaping, select soft and pliable canvas. For most boxes and other projects that stand alone, you may want to try stiff plastic canvas. If you cannot locate stiff plastic canvas, you may stitch through two thicknesses of canvas.

Needle and Yarn

For stitching 7-mesh canvas, use a No. 16 blunt tapestry needle and worsted-weight or plastic canvas yarn. Use a doubled strand for stitching on 5-mesh canvas. For 10-mesh canvas, use a No. 18 blunt tapestry needle and sport-weight yarn, embroidery floss, #3 pearl cotton or similar yarn. For 14-mesh canvas, use a No. 24 blunt tapestry needle and #5 pearl cotton.


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