Making Yo-Yos

To make any size yo-yo:

1. Trace the size of circle desired or indicated in the pattern using a template on the wrong side of the fabric.

2. Cut a length of thread in a color to match the fabric; double the thread and knot the ends together.

3. Working with the wrong side of the yo-yo circle facing you, turn the fabric under 1/4" to the wrong side and insert the needle near the folded edge as shown in Figure A.

Making Yo-Yo's Figure AMaking Yo-Yo's Figure A

4. Stitch a running stitch, using approximately 3/8"-long stitches, around the edge of the circle, turning the fabric edge under as you sew referring to Figure B. Stop stitching when you reach the beginning knot.

Making Yo-Yo's Figure BMaking Yo-Yo's Figure B

5. Pull the thread to gather the circle as tightly as you can (or as desired) and move the hole to the center of the circle as shown in Figure C.

Making Yo-Yo's Figure CMaking Yo-Yo's Figure C

6. Insert the needle between two gathers through to the back of the yo-yo and make several small knots to secure the yo-yo; clip the thread.


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