How to Understand Crochet Abbreviations
Abbreviations are used in crochet to shorten patterns. Without them some patterns would be extremely long. Abbreviations make patterns concise and to the point while also resulting in fewer pages to print. There are not standard or universal crochet abbreviations, just as there aren’t standardized naming conventions for stitches. Most designers use the following, but a designer may use additional abbreviations or ones that differ from this list. Look in your pattern for a list of crochet abbreviations if one is provided and use it.
There may be special stitches with special abbreviations in a pattern. Those abbreviations should be defined in a section in the pattern that explains how to work the intended stitch.
Below is a list of the most common crochet abbreviations.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
beg bpdc bpsc bptr CC ch(s) ch- ch sp(s) cl(s) cm dc dc dec dec dtr ext fpdc fpsc fptr g hdc hdc dec inc lp(s) MC mm oz pc rem rep(s) rnd(s) RS sc sc dec sk sl st(s) sp(s) st(s) tog tr trtr WS yd(s) yo |
begin/begins/beginning back post double crochet back post single crochet back post treble crochet contrasting color chain(s) refers to chain or space previously made (i.e., ch-1 space) chain space(s) cluster(s) centimeter(s) double crochet (singular/plural) double crochet 2 or more stitches together, as indicated decrease/decreases/decreasing double treble crochet extended front post double crochet front post single crochet front post treble crochet gram(s) half double crochet half double crochet 2 or more stitches together, as indicated increase/increases/increasing loop(s) main color millimeter(s) ounce(s) popcorn(s) remain/remains/remaining repeat(s) round(s) right side(s) single crochet single crochet 2 or more stitches together, as indicated skip/skipped/skipping slip stitch(es) space(s)/spaced stitch(es) together treble crochet triple treble crochet wrong side(s) yard(s) yarn over |